Trailer Reno
The Roof
This roof has thrown us a curve ball.
A leaky roof! That was one thing we were trying to avoid when purchasing a trailer and now our project is much bigger then we wanted. This is the promise of DIY projects. I would love to here the story of a DIY project that went so smoothly, it ended up being less work then anticipated.
We pulled all the rotted wood down and took out most of the metal trim around the roof. Sean-Paul put in some new wood to help it hold.
To make sure it would never leak again we painted the roof with a silicone coating. We will never have a leak problem again!
Now we move on to the inside. Making the ceiling pretty!
We had to take some of the bolting out from the metal trim. We were a little nervous because it's holding the roof together and it had the world's weirdest screws. (i think they are rivets of some sort) We only took the top ones out and now they are not going back in, but it is fine.
Doing anything that fights against gravity is hard. It has been pretty cold here all week so when we tried to glue the ceiling up it just fell. It was to cold for the glue to adhere. Finally Saturday was warm enough! We also went and bought extra strength glue, it better hold! It was a long week of no trailer Reno. I guess our week time frame schedule is gonna be a lot longer then a week.
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